Get Involved

Volunteer with Ribfest!
Are you interested in supporting your community and being involved in a fun event that supports various programs in your city?
This three-day event is packed with fun for people of all ages and abilities. YOU are the key to the success of this event. As a volunteer, you will receive an Official Ribfest T-shirt when you check in for your first shift and a free pulled pork sandwich (or equivalent) voucher when you have completed your shift!
Come lend a hand and have some fun!
Garbage and Recycling
A goal of ours at Ribfest is to have an eco-friendly event. Garbage and recycling are an important part of hosting thousands of people over the weekend. Keeping the site clean and free of litter makes the festival environment more enjoyable for everyone.
Volunteers for G&R will be doing the following tasks:
- Directing patrons to which bin takes, which items. (Harder than you think)
- Picking up litter
- Emptying bins as they fill and depositing full bags in the appropriate containers
- Driving the Gator
- Be able to stand, walk and lift weight up to 50 lbs
Table Cleaning
Volunteers for Table Cleaning will be doing the following tasks:
- Table clearing and Cleaning
- To clear tables and to wipe them with cleaner
- All cleaning items provided
- Assist with garbage pickup and recycling
ID Bracelets
Requirements to work in the ID tent:
- To be 19 years of age or older
- Able to read valid picture ID and determine if a patron is old enough to be served
- To quickly attach an ID band on eligible persons
- All persons having an alcoholic beverage must be ID’d and wearing a band
Media Team
The Media Team are volunteers who will be taking pictures and posting to social media during the event. They will have some special instruction and have Ribfest Media passes.
Thursday Setup and Monday Take Down
Thursday and Monday volunteers are responsible for putting Ribfest together on Thursday taking it apart on Monday.
Here is a list of some of the tasks:
- Fencing
- Power and water
- Water Stations
- Stage set up & Tent
- Fencing, tables, chairs
- Lighting for beer garden
- Tents
- Tables & Chairs
- Garbage & Recycling